D. Arunkumar Bharathy

TRaining saves lives


HSE Educator/ Auditor

I support people to overcome their Health, Safety and Emotional challenges at workplace.

What We Do

Our Service Domain Expertise

About Me

My Story

Hi, I am D. ARUNKUMAR BHARATHY, Your Health and Safety Trainer and founder of Health & Safety Hub. I am here to support professionals to overcome their Health, Safety and Emotional challenges at workplace. My 23 years of vast expertise in versatile industrial segments made me to design and deliver the unique BRAINO -TECHNO training module which assures the everlasting transformation among the participants. The success of my training is educating and engaging the participants with sensible entertainment. Based on my continuous research on industrial safety and workplace challenges, I found that the EMOTION of an individual contributes to more unsafe behavior which causes major accidents in the workplace. I have a vision to be a Health & Safety Catalyst for 10 lakh people.


The above topic may be very casual for some people. With my experience of working with 1000+ electrical engineers on creating safe …


My Clients